Tier 1: Dodson Devotee ($1 - $24)

Your donation will help us pay for one month of Buffer, a social media management service
Tier 2: Friedman Follower ($25 - $99)
Your donation will help us upgrade our podcasting equipment to new microphones and sound mixers to elevate our most popular content

Tier 3: Bartels Backer ($100 - $249)

Your donation will help us buy a subscription to Canva (our graphic design service) or Wix (our website hosting service) for one year
Tier 4: Schoellkopf Supporter ($250 - $999)
With this donation, you are enabling BRSN to purchase a new high-end camera, which will allow us to record podcasts like Big Red Ballers and Big Red HockeyCast without having to rely on the Athletic Communications department of Cornell Athletics to loan us equipment, significantly increasing our flexibility and allowing us to record high-quality video of our more spontaneous content.

Tier 5: Lynah Faithful ($1000+)

Being part of the Lynah Faithful can help us advertise at Lynah Rink, Cornell's top sporting venue
**Please note that your donation is tax deductible, and the sample items are representative, not necessarily what will be bought if you donate within a certain tier. That said, if you feel strongly about your money going toward something specific, please indicate so in the “special instructions” box when you donate. If you were to give in Tier 3, for example, there is a chance we would purchase items in Tier 2 and Tier 1 – if they are most urgent – instead of something in the price range of Tier 3. We hope you can understand. If you have any questions, please email Jay Klein at, and we will get back to you promptly.**